Kia Sedona: Instant Fuel Economy (3) - Fuel Economy - Trip computer - Features of your vehicle - Kia Sedona YP Owners ManualKia Sedona: Instant Fuel Economy (3)

Third generation YP (2014-2024) / Kia Sedona YP Owners Manual / Features of your vehicle / Trip computer / Fuel Economy / Instant Fuel Economy (3)

Average Fuel Economy (2)
The average fuel economy is calculated by the total driving distance and fuel consumption since the last average fuel economy reset. - Fuel economy range : 0.0 ~ 99.9 MPG or L/100km The aver ...

Digital speedometer
Type B, C This mode displays the current speed of the vehicle. ...

Other Information:

ESC Control Module Repair procedures
Removal 1. Turn the ignition switch OFF. 2. Remove the brake fluid from the master cylinder reservoir with a syringe.     • Be sure to completely remove fore ...

Fuel Lines, Hoses and Connections Repair procedures
Inspection Visually check the fuel lines for cracks, leakage, loose connections, deformation or tank band looseness. ...


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